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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

HMS Beagle

This is a replica of the Beagle, the ship in which Darwin made a travel around the world between 1831 and 1836. In that ship he made most of his experimental research before he came up with the theory that made him famous.

Made with Softimage and Ozone plugin for the sky. Sea done with aaOceanSuite ICE plugin created by Amaan Akram.

1 comment:

  1. Hey compi de al lado!!
    pidiendole consejo hoy a David Muñoz, me ha enseñado este barquito tuyo!, no sabia que tenias también un blog.
    muy molon el curro y la iluminación!
    me pasare por aqui cuando mi cerebro reaccione de vez en cuando! :)
